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Top Five Recipes of 2017!

If you’re looking to shape up in the new year, check out my Top Five Recipes of 2017! These recipes garnered the most traffic and they’re all resolution friendly!

Hello, friends! Today I’m going to share with you my Top Five Recipes of 2017! It may be stereotypical to say, but this year has FLOWN by. I honestly can’t believe that it’s 2018. It seems like 2008 was just yesterday! It’s crazy to think back on everything that’s happened within the last year, let alone the last decade! 10 years ago my life looked a lot different than it does now. Matt and I moved out of our respective parents houses and moved into the tiniest apartment ever in Louisville, Ky to start our lives together. We were 20 years old and totally oblivious to the trials the real world would hold for us. When I think about how much the two of us have grown since then, it actually blows my mind. We still live in and LOVE Louisville, but instead of living in a 500 sqft apartment, we now own our own home. We’ve gone from jobs we hated that barely paid the bills to being in careers that help us thrive. I never in a million years would have believed that would I own my own business, make my hours, and earn an income doing what I love, but that’s exactly what’s happening. If there is anyone out there who is reading this and thinking that you’re stuck in a position that you can’t change, you’re wrong. I fervently believe that anyone can achieve anything if they put their mind to it. I think that 2018 is going to be a significant year in my life and I cannot wait to see what it holds.

I just took a look back in my planner from this time last year, and found my resolution list for 2017. I know that there are a lot of people who think that resolutions are bogus, but what’s the harm in making a list of things you want to better about yourself? Like most people, I made this list and then never really returned to reference it throughout the year. Low and behold, when I read through them today, I had accomplished 11/12 of the resolutions. Most of them were small, like “Make time for self care” or “Meditation”, but all but one were things that I regularly incorporated into my life. My point is, if you’re turning your nose up at the idea of resolutions, maybe give it a chance and see how much you can do for yourself for 2018. My list for this year is a similar length, but includes tasks like, “Read 12 books” and “Limit phone time”. My main goal for the year is to return to a simpler way of living that is more present and less online. Keep in mind this is going to be pretty hard considering that my job is online and it never really stops, but having a set work schedule is also high on the list. What are some of your resolutions/goals for the new year? I would love to add more so inspiration is definitely welcome!

Now onto the real reason you’re here. The food. Thanks to Google Analytics, I gathered up my top 5 most popular recipes of 2017 for you to look back on. Maybe your favorite My Modern Cookery recipe made the cut! If not, what was your favorite recipe of 2017? I would love to know what you all would like to see more of! Get ready for the countdown! P.S. The picture above is my Cranberry Orange Bourbon Smash and it came in at #6!

5. Pumpkin Carrot Pupcakes

Also adding to my 2018 resolutions — re-shoot these horrible photos. This pup-friendly recipe has been a popular one for years and it deserves better photos!

4. Creamy Avocado Kale Smoothie

Speaking of re-shooting photos, this one got a makeover this year. I noticed it was getting so much traffic that I had to update the images. I love how bright and healthy it looks now, and this recipe is an all-time fave of mine!

3. Greek Chicken Salad Pitas

This recipe was one of my favorite Sponsored posts of the year, and I’m so happy that it got the attention it deserved. I definitely want to do more lunch and meal-prep recipes this year so I’m glad this one did so well!

2. Slow Cooker Garlic Parmesan Spaghetti Squash

I ALMOST didn’t post this recipe because I hated how the photos turned out. Boy, I’m glad I did! This simple side is one that goes with so many different things and is a nice change from the usual rice or quinoa.

1. Low-Carb Million Dollar Zoodle Spaghetti

By FAR, my most popular recipe of the year was this low-carb million dollar zoodle spaghetti, and for good reason. Sometimes you just know when a recipe is going to be a hit or not, and I knew the second that I wrote this one down that it would be a crowd pleaser. Whether you’re eating low-carb or not, you HAVE to try this one. Make it a 2018 resolution.

What did I learn from this roundup? You all LOVE healthy recipes! Particularly those that are low-carb, drinkable, and are for your furry friends. If you haven’t tried these recipes, take some time to get to know them, and I’ll get to work making new healthy recipes for 2018! As always, thank you so much for visiting my tiny part of the web and consistently enjoying the food I create. This year has so many wonderful things in store and I can’t wait to bring you all along with me! Happy 2018!

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